Gaius Octavius Caesar - translation to English
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Gaius Octavius Caesar - translation to English

Gaius Octavius (praetor 61 BC); Gaius Octavius (proconsul of Macedonia, 60 BC); Gaius Octavius (proconsul)

Gaius Octavius Caesar      
n. Gaius Octavius Caesar, Augustus (63 a.C.-14 d.C.), primer Emperador romano
  • Siege of Mytilene]] in 81 BC.
  • portrait]] of the 1st century AD, [[Altes Museum]], Berlin
  • pp=97–98}}
  • [[Cicero]], consul in 63 BC, depicted in an 1889 [[fresco]] denouncing Catiline and exposing his conspiracy before the senate. When conspirators within the city were later arrested, Cicero referred their fate to the senate, triggering a debate in which Caesar as praetor-elect participated.
  • Cleopatra and Caesar]]'', 1866 painting by [[Jean-Léon Gérôme]]
  • A 1783 edition of ''The Gallic Wars''
  • Temple of Dendera]]
  • Liberty]] and on the reverse a sacrificial jug and ''[[lituus]]'', from the military mint in [[Smyrna]]. Caption: C. CASSI. IMP. LEIBERTAS / LENTVLVS SPINT.
  • The [[Chiaramonti Caesar]] bust, a posthumous portrait in marble, 44–30 BC, [[Museo Pio-Clementino]], [[Vatican Museums]]
  • The Death of Caesar]]'', [[Jean-Léon Gérôme]], 1867
  • ''Julii Caesaris quae exstant'' (1678)
  • altar of Caesar]] in the [[Roman Forum]] of Rome, Italy
  • senators]] encircle Caesar, a 19th-century interpretation of the event by [[Carl Theodor von Piloty]].
  • ''La clémence de César'', [[Abel de Pujol]], 1808
  • ''Marc Antony's Oration at Caesar's Funeral'' by George Edward Robertson (late 19th or early 20th century).
  • Julia]]. He was an enemy of Sulla and took the city with Lucius Cornelius Cinna in 87 BC.
  • A Roman bust of [[Pompey the Great]] made during the reign of [[Augustus]] (27 BC{{snd}}14 AD), a copy of an original bust from 70 to 60 BC, [[Venice National Archaeological Museum]], Italy
  • new constitutional reforms]].
  • Victoria]] and a scepter. Caption: CAESAR IMP. M. / L. AEMILIVS BVCA.
  • Statue of Julius Caesar, [[Via dei Fori Imperiali]], Rome
  • The extent of the Roman Republic in 40 BC after Caesar's conquests
  • pages=[ 178–179] }}</ref>
  • [[Vercingetorix]] throws down his arms at the feet of Julius Caesar, painting by [[Lionel Royer]] in 1899. [[Musée Crozatier]], [[Le Puy-en-Velay]], France.
  • issn=2045-239X}}</ref>
Ceasar; Julius Cesar; Julius Cæsar; Caesar, Julius; C. Julius Caesar; Gaius Julius Caesar; Julius Ceaser; Julius Caeser; Julius caesar; Literary works of Julius Caesar; Julius Ceasar; Political career of Julius Caesar; Caius Julius Caesar; Caesar the Dictator; Caius Iulius Caesar; Gaius Julius Cæsar; Gaius Julius Caesar others; Cæsar; Gaius Iulius Caesar; Gayus Julius Caesar; Juluis Cesar; Julius caesar quotes; Giulius Caesar; Julius Caesra; Julias ceaser; C. Iulius Caesar; GAIVS IVLIVS CAESAR; CAIVS IVLIVS CAESAR; Iulius Caesar; Caesars death; Ivlivs Caesar; I am the republic; Julius Caesar (Roman); Julious caesar; Caesar Dictator; Julius Caesar Assassination plot; Julius ceasar; IVLIVS CAESAR; Julius Gaius Caesar; Julis Caesar; Divus Iulius; Caesar complex; Caesar; Gaius Julius Caesar (grandfather of the dictator); Ivlivs Cæsar; Gaius Julius Caesar (praetor); Funeral of Julius Caesar; Wives of Julius Caesar; Guy Julius Caesar; Dictatorship of Julius Caesar
* Julius Caesar = Julio César
Julius Caesar         
  • Siege of Mytilene]] in 81&nbsp;BC.
  • portrait]] of the 1st century AD, [[Altes Museum]], Berlin
  • pp=97–98}}
  • [[Cicero]], consul in 63&nbsp;BC, depicted in an 1889 [[fresco]] denouncing Catiline and exposing his conspiracy before the senate. When conspirators within the city were later arrested, Cicero referred their fate to the senate, triggering a debate in which Caesar as praetor-elect participated.
  • Cleopatra and Caesar]]'', 1866 painting by [[Jean-Léon Gérôme]]
  • A 1783 edition of ''The Gallic Wars''
  • Temple of Dendera]]
  • Liberty]] and on the reverse a sacrificial jug and ''[[lituus]]'', from the military mint in [[Smyrna]]. Caption: C. CASSI. IMP. LEIBERTAS / LENTVLVS SPINT.
  • The [[Chiaramonti Caesar]] bust, a posthumous portrait in marble, 44–30 BC, [[Museo Pio-Clementino]], [[Vatican Museums]]
  • The Death of Caesar]]'', [[Jean-Léon Gérôme]], 1867
  • ''Julii Caesaris quae exstant'' (1678)
  • altar of Caesar]] in the [[Roman Forum]] of Rome, Italy
  • senators]] encircle Caesar, a 19th-century interpretation of the event by [[Carl Theodor von Piloty]].
  • ''La clémence de César'', [[Abel de Pujol]], 1808
  • ''Marc Antony's Oration at Caesar's Funeral'' by George Edward Robertson (late 19th or early 20th century).
  • Julia]]. He was an enemy of Sulla and took the city with Lucius Cornelius Cinna in 87&nbsp;BC.
  • A Roman bust of [[Pompey the Great]] made during the reign of [[Augustus]] (27 BC{{snd}}14 AD), a copy of an original bust from 70 to 60 BC, [[Venice National Archaeological Museum]], Italy
  • new constitutional reforms]].
  • Victoria]] and a scepter. Caption: CAESAR IMP. M. / L. AEMILIVS BVCA.
  • Statue of Julius Caesar, [[Via dei Fori Imperiali]], Rome
  • The extent of the Roman Republic in 40 BC after Caesar's conquests
  • pages=[ 178–179] }}</ref>
  • [[Vercingetorix]] throws down his arms at the feet of Julius Caesar, painting by [[Lionel Royer]] in 1899. [[Musée Crozatier]], [[Le Puy-en-Velay]], France.
  • issn=2045-239X}}</ref>
Ceasar; Julius Cesar; Julius Cæsar; Caesar, Julius; C. Julius Caesar; Gaius Julius Caesar; Julius Ceaser; Julius Caeser; Julius caesar; Literary works of Julius Caesar; Julius Ceasar; Political career of Julius Caesar; Caius Julius Caesar; Caesar the Dictator; Caius Iulius Caesar; Gaius Julius Cæsar; Gaius Julius Caesar others; Cæsar; Gaius Iulius Caesar; Gayus Julius Caesar; Juluis Cesar; Julius caesar quotes; Giulius Caesar; Julius Caesra; Julias ceaser; C. Iulius Caesar; GAIVS IVLIVS CAESAR; CAIVS IVLIVS CAESAR; Iulius Caesar; Caesars death; Ivlivs Caesar; I am the republic; Julius Caesar (Roman); Julious caesar; Caesar Dictator; Julius Caesar Assassination plot; Julius ceasar; IVLIVS CAESAR; Julius Gaius Caesar; Julis Caesar; Divus Iulius; Caesar complex; Caesar; Gaius Julius Caesar (grandfather of the dictator); Ivlivs Cæsar; Gaius Julius Caesar (praetor); Funeral of Julius Caesar; Wives of Julius Caesar; Guy Julius Caesar; Dictatorship of Julius Caesar
Julio César


1) Se dice de lo que infunde respeto y veneración por su majestad y excelencia.
2) Dictado de Octaviano César, que llevaron después todos los emperadores romanos y sus mujeres.
sust. masc.
Payaso de circo.


Gaius Octavius (father of Augustus)

Gaius Octavius (about 100 – 59 BC) was a Roman politician. He was an ancestor to the Roman Emperors of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. He was the father of the Emperor Augustus, step-grandfather of the Emperor Tiberius, great-grandfather of the Emperor Claudius, and great-great grandfather of the Emperors Caligula and Nero. Hailing from Velitrae, he was a descendant of an old and wealthy equestrian branch of the gens Octavia. At Rome his family was part of the wealthy plebeian caste, and not being of senatorial rank, he was a novus homo ("new man"). His grandfather, Gaius Octavius, fought as a military tribune in Sicily during the Second Punic War. His father, Gaius Octavius, was a municipal magistrate who lived to an advanced age.